A feature image for the article "Old Money Names" showing a young boy and girl in classic dress.

Old Money Names: Top 10 for Boys & Girls

In the world of the Vieux Riche, names carry weight. They are more than just labels; they are symbols of lineage, heritage, and tradition. Names are the invisible thread that connects generations, weaving a rich tapestry of family history.

In this article, we delve into the fascinating realm of names cherished by the old money elite, exploring their origins, significance, and how they continue to shape the identities within this exclusive circle.


The Legacy of Old Money Names

Old money names are steeped in history, often passed down through generations like precious heirlooms. They are a testament to the family's lineage and their place in society. These names are not just about identity; they reflect a legacy. They are a nod to the past, a mark of respect for the ancestors who laid the foundations of the family's wealth and status.

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In our guide to the old money fashion aesthetic, we discussed how the aesthetic is about subtlety and understated elegance. The same principle applies to names. They are typically traditional, timeless, and often have a certain gravitas that sets them apart.

Elegant Old Money mother and daughter dressed in classic styles.

Old Money Names: Boys

When it comes to masculine names favoured by old money, think classic and timeless. Names like William, Charles, and James have been favourites among the old money elite for centuries. These names are not flashy or trendy; instead, they exude a quiet confidence and sophistication that aligns with the old money style.

  1. William: A name of Germanic origin meaning "resolute protection". It has been a royal favourite for centuries, with several kings and princes bearing the name.
  2. Charles: Of German and French origin, Charles means "free man". Royalty and nobility across Europe have carried this name.
  3. James: A classic name of Hebrew origin meaning "supplanter". British and American old money families often favour this name.
  4. Edward: Of English origin, Edward means "wealthy guardian". It's a name that has been favoured by kings and nobles throughout history.
  5. Henry: A name of German origin meaning "ruler of the home". Again, this name has been a royal favourite for centuries.
  6. George: Of Greek origin, George means "farmer". This name exudes a sense of reliability and steadfastness.
  7. Thomas: A classic name of Aramaic origin meaning "twin". It's a name that has been associated with scholars and saints.
  8. Robert: Of Germanic origin, Robert means "bright fame". Generations of old money families have chosen this name.
  9. Arthur: A name of Celtic origin meaning "bear". This name evokes images of strength and nobility.
  10. Philip: Of Greek origin, Philip means "lover of horses". Royalty and nobility have often chosen this name.

These names are not just about tradition; they are also about character. As we explored in our seasonal fashion guide article, the enduring style aesthetic is about quality over quantity, and the same applies to names.

Young Old Money boy in white striped shirt and pants.

Old Money Names: Girls

Just as with boy's names, when it comes to feminine names among old money, tradition reigns supreme. Names such as Elizabeth, Catherine, and Margaret have long been cherished in the annals of old money families. These names, imbued with a sense of grace and dignity, perfectly encapsulate the old money aesthetic.

  1. Elizabeth: A name of Hebrew origin meaning "God is my oath". It has been borne by queens and princesses, making it a timeless choice for old money families.
  2. Catherine: Of Greek origin, Catherine means "pure". It is a name that has been associated with saints, queens, and scholars.
  3. Margaret: A classic name of Greek origin meaning "pearl". European and American old money families often favour this name.
  4. Victoria: A name of Latin origin meaning "victory". It's a name that has been borne by queens, making it a timeless choice for old money families.
  5. Eleanor: Of English origin, Eleanor means "bright, shining one". It's a name that has been associated with queens and nobles.
  6. Beatrice: A classic name of Latin origin meaning "she who brings happiness". It's a name that has been a popular choice among European old money families.
  7. Charlotte: With French roots, Charlotte translates to "free man". This name exudes a sense of grace and sophistication.
  8. Alexandra: A name of Greek origin meaning "defender of mankind". It's a name that has been associated with queens and princesses.
  9. Caroline: Of French origin, Caroline means "free man". It's a name that has been popular among old money families for generations.
  10. Diana: A name of Latin origin meaning "divine". Royalty and goddesses have often chosen this name.
Young old money girl wearing a blazer dress.

These names are not just about elegance; they are also about strength and resilience. As we discussed in our comparison of new vs old money aesthetic, the old money ethos is about preserving traditions while adapting to the changing times. And these names, with their rich history and timeless appeal, perfectly embody this ethos.

"These names are not just about elegance; they are also about strength and resilience."

The Power of a Name

A name is more than just a label. It is a statement. It is a declaration of one's lineage, heritage, and status. It is a nod to the past and a bridge to the future. And in a world that is constantly changing, these old money names stand as pillars of stability and continuity.

In our old money shopping guide, we talked about the importance of investing in quality over quantity. The same principle applies to names. An old money name is not just a name; it's an investment. It's a legacy that is passed down through generations, gaining value with each passing year.

Vintage Ralph Lauren campaign featuring a mother and two daughters.

The Future of Old Money Names

As we move forward into the 21st century, the tradition of old money names continues to thrive. These names, steeped in history and tradition, continue to be a badge of honour for those who bear them. They are a testament to the enduring allure of the old money aesthetic, a world where heritage and lineage are celebrated, where the past is revered, and where tradition is the ultimate status symbol.

In our exploration of quality old money fashion brands, we highlighted the importance of timeless elegance and enduring quality. Similarly, old money names, with their rich history and timeless appeal, are the ultimate expression of the old money ethos.

"Old money names, with their rich history and timeless appeal, are the ultimate expression of the old money ethos."

As we look to the future, these names will continue to hold a special place, in both history and the present. They are a reminder of our past, a symbol of our present, and a link to our future. They are a testament to the enduring allure of the old money aesthetic and a tribute to the families who have carried these names with pride and dignity through the ages.

Old Money father and daughter enjoying a bike ride.


In conclusion, these age-old appellations are more than just names. They are symbols of a rich and storied history, a testament to the power of tradition, and a beacon for the future. They are, in every sense, a reflection of the iconic old money styles that have defined the world of the "Old Money" for centuries.

So, whether you're a William or an Elizabeth, a Charles or a Catherine, remember that your name is more than just a label. It's a legacy. It's a part of who you are, a part of where you come from, and a part of where you're going. It's a piece of the old money puzzle, a thread in the rich tapestry of the Vieux Riche.

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